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Bangalore, Karnataka State, India
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Wednesday, June 9, 2010

FIAPO & HSI's: Farmed Animals in India workshop in H'bad: Sunday, 27th June

Dear Friends,

FIAPO and HSI's "Farmed Animals in India" workshop is landing in Hyderabad on Sunday, June 27th. We're thrilled to have the AWBI co-hosting the workshop, along with 10 other organisations! Please pass along the invitation (below and attached) to activists, friends, and family in Hyderabad.


The Federation of Indian Animal Protection Organisations

Invites You:

Animal Farming in India: A Workshop

Global Warming
World Hunger
Animal Suffering
Human Health

Sunday, 27 June, 2010


Sponsored by:
Humane Society International

Co-hosted by:
Animal Welfare Board of India
Blue Cross of Hyderabad
Foundation for Animals
People for Animals Hyderabad & Secunderabad
Visakha Society for Protection and Care of Animals
Karuna Society for Animals and Nature
International Animal & Birds Welfare Society
Bharatiya Prani Mitra Sangh
Jeeva Raksha Animal Welfare Society
Indian Institute of Jeevakarunyam & Research
Shri Raghavendra Pashu Samrakshana Sangham
Karimnagar Animal Kindness Association

The Federation of Indian Animal Protection Organizations and Humane Society International with support from Blue Cross of India, Chennai, are conducting a workshop to explore the effect of factory farming on Indian animals, on global warming, world hunger and on human health.

The workshop is a unique opportunity for animal protectors to learn more about the fundamental issues affecting billions of animals raised for milk, eggs and meat in India.

Why Farmed Animals?

The food and fiber sector (the dairy, poultry meat and eggs, and leather industry) abuses more animals than any other animal-based industry. With changing lifestyles there is increased demand for animal products, especially in metro cities. This is changing the nature of animal agriculture towards industrial production, known as “factory farming”, which is far more exploitative of animals, harmful for the environment and inequitable for poor communities.

The workshop in Hyderabad is part of a series which will continue on to Chennai, Kolkata, and possibly Goa during the next six months. Similar workshops were held in Mumbai in March 2009, Bangalore in August 2009, and in Delhi in April 2010.

DATE: Sunday, 27 June, 2010

TIME: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.


Jain Seva Sangh Bhavan
Eden Bagh
Hyderabad- 500001

Nearest Bus-stop: Koti
Participants can board city bus until Koti
and then hire an auto to travel to the Venue.

Venue contact number: 040-24751188
In case of enquiry, please call Sriram at 9703616175.

Vegan lunch and refreshments will be provided.



To attend, please RSVP with the following details to claire.abrams@indiananimalsfederation.org

· Your Name

· Contact details, including address, telephone number(s), email address
Would you be representing an organization? If so please provide the name and

contact details

Note: Registration fee is Rs. 150 to be paid at registration
The workshop will be held in English
Your attendance will not be confirmed without an RSVP by e-mail to


Workshop Schedule
June 27, 2010

10.00 – 10.20


10.20 - 10.30

Welcome; why we have gathered here today, what we hope to accomplish

10.30 - 10.45

Introduction to the Federation of Indian Animal Protection Organisations;
How you can be involved

10.45 - 11.30

Participants introduce themselves

11.30 – 11.45

Tea break

Refreshments will be served throughout the day

11.45 – 12.15

Status of Farmed Animals in India: an overview
- The shift from small rural farming to industrial animal agriculture… why is it happening?
- What is industrial (intensive) animal agriculture? What does it mean for the animals?
- Meat, milk, egg consumption trends in India
- How government subsidies/promotion, technology, and large-scale production makes consuming meat, milk and eggs cheap
- National and state laws on animal farming and their welfare implications
- Animal agriculture technologies that assist intensive animal farming and their impact on animal welfare

12.15 - 12.30

Dairy Video Screening

12.30 - 12.45

Poultry Video Screening

12.45 – 1.00

Group discussion

1.00 – 1:45


1:45 – 2.15

Animal Agriculture and Global Warming
-What is climate change and global warming? How does it happen?
- How does intensive animal agriculture effect climate change and the environment?
- Pollution, waste of resources, environmental damage: A step-by-step journey from field, to factory farm, to consumers’ dinner table

2.15 – 2:30

Group discussion

2:30 – 3:00

Human Health
Is a vegetarian / vegan plant-based diet healthy?
- Health hazards from eating animal based diets.

3:00 – 3:15

Tea break

3.15 – 3:45

World Hunger
- How are India’s poor communities affected by the increase of intensive animal agriculture?
- Malnutrition in India
- Why is raising animals for meat/milk/eggs such an inefficient use of resources (water/land/energy)?
- Climate Change and its impact on world hunger
- How may increased intensive farming affect world hunger by the year 2050?
- Industrial animal agriculture against the rural farmed: is intensive animal agriculture really helping the rural farmer?

3.45 – 4.30

Group discussion and closure

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