Courtesy: FIAPO
Dear friends,
On Feb 04 2010, while i was driving past Dwarka (Delhi), i saw a small crowd of people protesting in the middle of the road. Minutes before someone had accidentally seen a piece of a dead cow falling off a truck which was passing by. The person intersected the truck and called the local villagers. The matter would have been hushed up by the police had the villagers not been there. The police managed to take away all dead cow carcasses within minutes except one, which the villagers made a point to spread on the road. I mananged to take a few pictures and a video. Also attached is the news report on the matter.There are dairies around Dwarka from where cows and buffaloes are slaughtered and taken daily, yet the government, police and municipal corporation keeps all eyes closed. Despite a huge protest there has been no arrests so far.
This has become a common trend not only in Dwarka but all over. And it is impossible to take cows like this unless the police is hand in glove with them. COW SLAUGHTER AND TRANSPORT HAPPENS IN DAYLIGHT IN DELHI.
Please write to the police commissioner of Delhi imploring him to take action against his officers indulging in this trade and to kakr this practice stop.
email ids at website
Citizens For Animal Rights (CFAR),
New Delhi.
Article 51A of the Indian Constitution . . .
" It shall be the duty of every citizen of India . . . to have compassion for all living creatures . . . "
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