Tuesday, July 27, 2010
fb website:The Ark-One Life Together(Caring for Animals)
ABC (Animal Birth Control Camp) on Sunday, 08th Aug in B'lore
Dear All
We all know about the mounting complaints re the stray dog population in India/B'lore. Though various NGO's are trying to work on this situation by sterilizing/neutering the dogs in areas assigned to them by the BBMP, there's still a lot more which can be done.
Henceforth, a group of like minded friends got together, deciding to organize on an individual basis, their own ABC camp. The camp was a huge success. It was even aired on the local Kannada TV channel!
Encouraged by the positive response, my friends & I are organizing another ABC camp on Sunday, 08th Aug. The location will be again at Suncity-Ibblur Village/Outer ring road in Bangalore. This is an area where a lot of stray dogs are still not sterilized/neutered & consequently attracting the discontent of local residents.
This time, we would like to combine the ABC camp with an awareness campaign focused on stray dogs. We would like to help local residents understand why there are stray dogs in a first place, what the most effective way there is to keep their population at bay, how to deal & approach stray dogs & foremost how to help & support creating an environment in which stray dogs & local residents can live peacefully together. We do believe that through 'education', people's attitude will/can change.
In the future we're planning to organize other ABC camps in other areas of B'lore where there's an urgent need. This is only the beginning....
This is an entirely private initiative, not sponsored/supported by any NGO nor the BBMP. Hence, we would be most grateful for any kind of help! To sterilize/neuter one dog would cost about 1000INR. Sponsoring a dog's operation, would be a tremendous contribution you can do! But we would also be very happy & grateful if you would like to contribute in another way, i.eg. sponsoring food for the animals, help us sponsor leaflets, banners, volunteering at the camp etc. Anyway, as little as it may seem to you, as much it will be for us! No matter what the amount, no matter what kind of help, everything is most appreciated! Even helping us spreading the word about our cause, is already of great help!
We do believe that by joining hands & taking action together, we can make a difference for animals & people alike.
If you want to help and/or for further questions, pls get in touch with me!
Thanks for your valuable & highly appreciated support & help:-)
Yasmine D. Polomski
(yasminedpolomski@live.com/966 3700 264)
Courtesy Manu Aiyappa:Bangalore to get a Pet Crematorium!
Bangalore to get pet crematorium
Courtesy: MANU AIYAPPA, TNN, Jul 24, 2010, 01.30am ISTBANGALORE: It's heartbreaking to lose your pet but doubly so when you can't give it a decent farewell. But Bangaloreans can take heart that the city will soon have an animal crematorium.
BBMP officials said plans for this crematorium, also the first in south India, had been finalised and a 5-acre plot identified at Jalahalli Medi Agrahara. "The project is in the final stage and we hope to complete the process within 15 days," said A K Gopalswamy, engineer-in-chief, BBMP.
Initially meant for the disposal of carcasses of stray dogs or those suspected to have died of rabies, civic authorities now plan to let pet and livestock owners use it too. Currently, such a facility is available only in Mumbai and New Delhi.
The project was originally mooted to tackle garbage issues linked to animal carcasses. Bangalore has no scientific way for disposal of pets, and other stray animals which die in road accidents, of rabies and other diseases.
Dead pets are normally disposed of at sanitary landfill sites while a few are left in distant dump yards.
The new facility will also prevent the spread of dangerous diseases through viruses in dead animals and stem underground water pollution due to the burial of animals.
After consulting environmental experts, BBMP submitted a Detailed Project Report (DPR) to the state government. The government gave its nod and paved the way for the BBMP to invite tenders. The facility should be ready by October.
According to the DPR, the cremation facilities will cost approximately Rs 2.5 crore. About 15-20 animals can be cremated every day for a fee ranging from Rs 250 to Rs 1000. Two trained personnel will man it. The BBMP also plans to have dedicated veterinary doctors to conduct a post mortem on animals which die under mysterious circumstances.
Environmentalist S Girish said: "Electric cremation is the best way of disposal as it is pollution-free and it also destroys germs and viruses in the body, if the animal has died due to an infectious disease."
Monday, July 19, 2010
Donations &Volunteers for ABC camp on 08th Aug in Suncity (B'lore)
Needing urgently a new loving home for Shadow in B'lore

Dear All