CHPS (Care, Help, Protect and Support) animals in need!
Names: Chiclate & Choclate (the pic were taken about two weeks ago).
Gender: Females
Breed: Indian
Age: three and a half months old.
Health situation: vaccinated & very active.
Personality: They are smart & loveable with sweet & happy disposition.
History: found by KARMA
Remarks: currently being lovingly fostered by KARMA. These 2 girls have come a long way - from Tumkur to B'lore to H'bad:-) And they are STILL waiting for a loving family to accept them. Only for genuine dog lovers; breeders will NOT be considered!
Contact: karmaindia.org@gmail.com/karma.bangalore@gmail.com.
Names: Nil
For pics of the puppies, please follow this link: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/animalwelfare-india/attachments/folder/545753561/item/1356796552/view
Gender: There are Female & Male puppies.
Breed: Indian
Age: ?
Health situation: all healthy & strong.
Personality: all are very cute.
History: ?
Remarks: Only for genuine dog lovers;breeders will NOT be considered!
Contact: Arvinda: 9886585263
Please help us finding loving homes for these puppy cuties!
Courtesy: FIAPO on behalf of Aparn Sharma (Convenor)
Dear friends,
One of the Federation’s central aims is to build the capacity of organisations and individuals to do more effective work, and this includes helping them learn how to act efficiently and quickly in the context of unexpected events, or when projects new to them are undertaken and they need help in deciding what to do next. This week itself, there have been at least 2 instances where people have written in for FIAPO to do xyz. In order to be able to respond to such situations that often arise, FIAPO is looking at setting up a "Current Events Response Centre". This is how the response centre would operate:
The Response Centre would provide guidelines for action in many situations simply by providing Standard Operating Procedures—pre-fabricated written step-by-step “how to” documents that can help clarify, for example, the various branches of bureaucracies and what they do, in what circumstances an FIR or RTI is appropriate and how to prepare it, etc.
But there are unlimited circumstances that fall outside the scope of what can be written in advance and for general purposes; circumstances where experienced and customized guidance will be invaluable.
FIAPO is looking for volunteers interested in helping to advise and support activists when they approach problems beyond their experience or expertise.
If you would be willing to add your name and area of interest to a roster, as circumstances arise we may call on you for help.
Please indicate whether your area of interest or experience is related to:
- Companion animals
- Farmed animals
- Police work
- Education (please specify whether children, teens or adults)
- Wildlife (poaching, illegal trade and wildlife rescue)
- Animals used in research
- Entertainment (circuses, novelty acts like elephants, etc)
- Others
You may be asked to help with one or more of the following:
- Evaluate the urgency of the problem reported
- Estimate resources needed to solve the problem
- Provide the available prepared written information including computer links to useful resources
- Listen to the variables of the specific problem taking into account the experience and other resources of the person reporting the problem
- Help guide or, when appropriate, assist in communicating to the people most likely able to intervene to stop the problem
The idea is not that you, as volunteer, should take the place of the activist, but rather, to encourage and improve the abilities of others to gather and build their own internal resources for tackling the problem.
In addition to particular subject specific expertise and volunteers, the Federation would also like to identify a manager for this Centre who will field all incoming calls. This position is at present voluntary and requires considerable experience in successfully tackling a wide variety of animal related situations. It also requires a knack for helping others along the way. If you feel you would be suitable for this position or if you know someone else who you feel fits the bill, please send me an email (arpan.samrakshan@gmail.com). In your email, please include a narrative of your experience with this sort of work or the experience of the person you are suggesting.
We hope that through this initiative, we will over time be able to support animal activists with the situations they face and through this improve the support animal welfare in general.
I look forward to hearing from you and moving this important initiative forward with the help of all of you wonderful people who are doing so much everyday to help animals.
Arpan Sharma
Name: Lucy
Gender: Female
Breed: Labrador Mix
Age: seven years old.
Health situation: skin problem
Personality: friendly & sweet.
History: Lucy's current owners no longer want to keep her due to her skin problem.
Remarks: Lucy needs URGENTLY a new loving forever home! The current owners want her to get adopted in B'lore. Only for genuine dog lovers; breeders will NOT BE CONSIDERED!
Contact: KARMA-B'lore:karma.bangalore@gmail.com/09845888029 and/or: shamalatharao@yahoo.com
Please help finding a better home & family for Lucy! Being able to give up a pet because it has some skin problem, is self explanatory. Hence, we want her to find someone who truly loves Lucy just the way she is!
The Hindu : Life & Style / Metroplus : BOW WOW
Courtesy: The Hindu (March, 8/2010) : Adopt Indian dogs
“Only for true dog-lovers, not breed-conscious people”, says Aparna Bhatt, when she looks for a home for her rescues. Aparna and her husband founded KARMA (Kulture for Animal Rehabilitation & Mass Awareness), a grassroots organisation that fosters homeless Indian puppies until a family adopts them. Her way of working is a stark contrast to that of the breeder community. Due to a demand for ‘pure' breeds, pedigree females are treated like machinery, housed in cramped cages and made to reproduce repeatedly. Pugs often have to give birth through c-sections, risking the lives of both mother and pups. Breeders frequently mate those of the same family (known as inbreeding), resulting in serious genetic defects that reduce the animals' health and life span. Says CUPA Trustee and veterinarian Dr. Shiela Rao: “Inbreeding can make a recessive gene dominant. Certain breeds are believed to be prone to particular health problems like deafness in Dalmatians, hip dysplasia in German Shepherds and Retrievers and heart disease in Boxers. Bone defects and the risk of other birth defects are also increased”. Fads like a sudden preference for pugs or pit bull terriers worsen the situation as many other breeds are abandoned by their owners to make space for their new fancies.
While pedigree puppies and their parents suffer this way, their Indian cousins go hungry on the streets, get crushed by speeding vehicles or wait in crowded shelters for adoption. Save a life by pledging to adopt a dog and not buy one.
(This concludes the two-part series on the realities of pet trade)
Please see the infuriating writeup by the Indian Express Chandigarh:
"Stray dog menace
The recent order of the Chandigarh Administration regarding the registration and inoculation of pet dogs in the city is a welcome step. This will ensure that all pet dogs are free from diseases. Pet dogs are good companions to the lonely, senior citizens, and disabled. They are useful to the society. But the same cannot be said about the numerous stray dogs in the city. The Administration needs to shift its focus towards these dogs, which are neither vaccinated nor inoculated.
The authorities must make concerted efforts to rid this city of this menace. But as usual, animal care activists pose a hurdle. Are these dogs more important than human beings?
Besides adding to the squalor in the city, stray dogs are a veritable hazard. Are we to deny people a walk in their neighbourhood because the superficial welfare of dogs has become more important than the well being of humans? The authorities should make every effort to rid us of these unwanted animals."
Please send atleast a one lines protest mail to the Editor. Here is a draft you can cut copy and modify / personalise a bit and email to editor@ expressindia.com:
Attn: The Editor / Editorial Director
This is in reference to the following brief news article on stray dogs in Chandigarh. We would like to bring to your notice that infuriating articles like these cause more harm than good. The only lawful way to control stray dogs is by neutering / spaying them and vaccinating them. This is also the most scientific and effective way which is promoted by the WHO and practised across the world.
We take offense to your labeling the dog(s) a 'menace'. They are living breathing creatures and also have certain rights. While to your paper and you the most important thing might be more circulation and so you write inflamatory articles likes these, for the poor animal on the street it can mean the difference between life and death.
We have grown up believing that we all can be born again and again in different forms, depending on our 'karma' which is linked with the universally accepted 'cause and effect' philosophy. If such is the case, I shudder to think what were to happen to you if you create such negativity. We request your paper to be more sensitive to the plight of the stray animals and other unfortunate creatures who cannot be of any direct benefit to you.
Courtesy: "Jeev-Karuna Society" (UP)
Attn: The Editor / Editorial Director
This is in reference to the following brief news article on stray dogs in Chandigarh. Here we would like to bring in your kind notice that every living creature which is obviously created by God , has full rights to live. If you cannot give life to anyone then how can you ever think of killing or eradicating a living-being !!!!!!!!!!!
It is we who make these creatures helpless, homeless, starving, infirm & diseased. To elucidate this fact let us clarify- why can't all of us adopt atleast one Indian dog as our pet ?????? Are we still governed by the notion of 'British Rule' i.e- giving priority & home to all 'Foreign Breed Dogs', wearing western outfits, speaking English language etc. etc. makes you very proud & adopting a needy, homeless so-called your 'Indian Breed' dog brings shame & insult ????????????? So, we are very sorry to say that due to fancy & false status ego of a few 'Pseudo-Indians', these creatures of God cannot be eradicated !!!!
Our most Indian cities have become trenching / dumping lands by all man-made filthy garbage (not made or created by stray dogs), so better never try to point out these poor homeless beings as 'Menace', rather all this filth has become the source of diseases to both man & dogs alike. First, start campaign for better hygiene, sanitation & better management of garbage !!!!!!!!!
Have you got any concrete solution for population control of 'Human-Beings', who are multiplying in a manner not better than PESTS ????????? Did your paper reduce any slum-area, crime, prostitution, beggary (to name a few) ?????? If yes, then why India is the most IMMORAL / CORRUPT country in the world ?????????? You cannot start euthanasia ( like in western countries) to eradicate people who are suffering from infectious/incurable diseases, criminals, dangerous psycho-maniacs etc. but because these stray dogs are 'Speechless' & 'Voteless', you described them as 'Menace' & want them to be removed forever from this hypocritic Society. Every homeless Indian breed dog, if taken care & fed, proves to be very faithful lovable companion. Irrespective of our love or care, every stray dog (without any food or home) takes the responsibility of guarding our houses, roads, streets etc. so are intrinsic part of Human Society !!!!!!!!! They are an important part of our eco-system.
Your paper is very prestigious & of national level, so you must be well aware of the illegal slaughter house in my city- Meerut-UP, where under the nose of all administrative officers & politicians more than 5,000 healthy, young cows & buffaloes are slaughtered daily !!!!!! Why don't your paper help in stopping all this corrupt practice & make politicians aware of this major issue rather than wasting time & energy on an irrelevant matter of our fellow-beings who are living with us from time immemorial !!!! Kindly, start campaigning & save those poor cattle who really need your help. I am attaching the latest scanned copy( Dainik Jagran dtd. ) of the unethical & illegal slaugher house which is smoothly flourishing in Meerut (UP), can your paper do something to stop it ????????????
So, better first of all try to improve the machinery of our country & it is high times that now your paper should propagate compassion & positive thoughts for every creature of God !!! It is the duty of Indian press to promote 'Ahimsa' (as India is a land of Ahimsa) & love for every homeless/needy dog so that our future generation should learn the message of kindness, adaptibility, compassion & companionship ( which were always taught by learned people like- Buddha, Mahavir, Asoka, Guru Nanakji, Mahatma Gandhi etc.).
We see forward to get a positive feed back & also an apology letter from your paper & will not bear any infuriating report on these 'Sentient Beings' of God who have equal rights to live their life. Kindly, become instrumental in improving their daily life by promoting feeling of kindness !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Warm Regards,
Divya Panday
Secretary- "Jeev-Karuna" Society (Regd).
Meerut (UP)- India.
Express News Service
Tags : ie brief, chandigarh
Posted: Monday , Feb 15, 2010 at 0516 hrs
Seminar/Workshop: "Farmed Animals in India-Putting our Values into Action"
Times Foundation
Sanctuary for Health and Reconnection to Animals and Nature (SHARAN),
The Federation of Indian Animal Protection Organisations (FIAPO),
Plant and Animal Welfare Society, Thane (PAWS) invite you to the Seminar: "Farmed Animals in India-Putting Our Values into Action!"
Date: Saturday, 20th March 2010
Time: 10 am – 3 pm
Venue: Training Room, 6th floor, Times Tower, Kamala Mills Compound
Registration: Call Capt. Rakesh Srivastava (022) 28408751, 98339 88287
Fees: Rs 150 (Lunch is included)
Workshop description:
Join Dr. Nandi in a seminar designed to empower animal protectors with greater knowledge of the fundamental principles that link one's personal life-style choices to the wider movement of ahimsa: Adopting a plant based diet.
For more information, please follow the link:
Courtesy: AAPN
Gandhi said you can judge a country by the way it treats its animals. Some
of you may have received the message below by another route.
The Indian Constitution states that humans have a 'Duty of Compassion to
Animals'. Based on this the following animal protection legislation has
been enacted in India:
•Dissection of animals is banned in every state for ALL school pupils.
•It is illegal to kill a dog for any reason other than extreme trauma or
•In the state of Gujarat, owing to a large Jain population the use of
animals as laboratory subjects has greatly decreased.
•India has banned the export of its indigenous monkey population, which
roams freely, since the monkeys would meet with harm in research
•During the Jain religious holidays slaughterhouses throughout the entire
state of Gujarat are shut down.
•All elephants have been freed from zoos and circuses and allowed to live
out their lives with dignity in sanctuaries.
•New Delhi has banned the use of carriage horses.
•A retirement home has been established for elderly police horses.
•All 'dancing' bears have been liberated and sent to a bear sanctuary in
•There are an estimated 400 million vegetarians in India.
In the United States animals are viewed as property before the law: harm
done to them is adjudicated according to property law. They are not viewed
as living beings with intrinsic rights:
•It is virtually impossible for pupils to opt out of dissection in every
•Six to eight million healthy dogs are put to death simply because they are
homeless and ironically this is considered an act of compassion.
•In the USA, Europe and Israel the number of animals used as experimental
subjects has remained constant, with numerous reports of excessively cruel
•During the religious holidays of Christmas, Easter, Passover and the
semi-religious holiday of Thanksgiving the slaughter of every manner of
animal increases sharply.
•A judge has ruled in favour of The Ringling Brothers Circus, that striking
elephants with bullhooks was an appropriate form of discipline.
•No major city in the USA has banned the use of carriage horses, where they
are exposed to harsh and dangerous working conditions.
•In the USA horses and their free-roaming brethren often end up in
•56 billion animals a year are killed in the USA and the number of
vegetarians/vegans is 3-4 million.